Threadies teddy bears come in sibling pairs: for each teddy bear purchased in the US, its twin is donated to a child refugee, creating a special bond between children across the world.
For our initial run, three adorable Thready teddy bear designs are available to order: www.threadies.com/buy
Founders Steve Lehmann and Andrew Jones just returned from a pilot test where they visited their manufacturing partner Child’s Cup Full in the West Bank, who suprised them with over 60 finished prototypes! Each aspect of the bear was thoughtfully designed with children in mind. The ears and pouch incorporate multi-sensory fabrics. The arms are easy to hug and hold tight. The face features a warm and friendly design.
In refugee camps, each Thready teddy bear comes with a coping kit, which humanitarian case workers use to guide children through trauma healing exercises (first two photos below). In the US, a child’s Thready teddy bear comes with a poem that helps kids understand what Threadies is all about (last three photos):
The Refugee Camp
After picking up the prototype bears in the West Bank, Andrew & Steve headed to Jordan to the Azraq refugee camp. Several parents who were signed up with International Medical Corps (IMC) volunteered to be a part of a pilot test group with the first batch of teddy bears. The refugee children that participated in the IMC test group loved the prototype teddy bears, holding them like infants and saying things such as “I want to sleep with it beside me and protect it,” and "I would name it after my mom." Each of the kids got to keep their bear.
Fair Trade & Handmade
Threadies proudly partners with fair trade manufacturer, Child’s Cup Full, a non-profit that trains and employs refugee women in the West Bank. In this way, each Threadies stuffed animal helps provide living wages to an artisan, while also supporting the creation of grassroots childhood development programs in the region.
Need something else? Don't hesitate to contact us directly: info@threadies.com